Dollar Is The Trump Card–11-29-10

Overview: Ireland is getting a $113 billion bailout, which did little to ease investor concerns as the dollar continues to climb.  Ideas are that additional funding will be needed.  Keep in mind that debt problems lurk in Portugal and Spain as well, and will likely spread to other countries in Europe.  Meanwhile, tensions remain between[…]

On The Money Grain Comments–11-24-10

Corn Outlook:      Hunting season was declared on the corn bulls in early November because of Europe’s sovereign debt crisis and the uncertain status of ethanol credits.  During this time, the dollar rose 5.0 percent causing corn futures to shed 15.7 percent of their value.  As a result, the trend following funds liquidated 240 MB[…]

Volatility In Grains Is Going To Stick Around–11-22-10

Overview: Grain futures have calmed down the past few sessions, but volatility is going to stick with us for a while.  Keep in mind that the market will be closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving and open until noon on Friday.  Many traders will close up shop tomorrow or Wednesday and take a long weekend.  This[…]

Dewey Interviewed at NAFB Convention

In the middle of a busy convention of over 700 farm broadcasters and industry professionals at the recent NAFB convention, one of the most sought peices of information was what the grain markets were going to do as we roll into 2011. Tom Brand of KFEQ stopped us in the hallway to find out what[…]

On The Money Grain Comments–11-18-10

Corn Outlook:      Fear of a rate increase in China and debt woes in Ireland sent shivers throughout commodities causing a sell-off in the grains early this week.  Meanwhile, debt problems are heating up in Portugal and Greece.  Gold tanked and the dollar rose. We must remember that the sovereign debt issue in developed countries[…]

Is The Mugging In Grains Over?–11-15-10

Overview: Grain futures were literally mugged last Friday on concerns that China will raise interest rates in an effort to cool their economy.  However, prices recovered today erasing much of their losses as the sell-off was thought overdone.  Keep in mind that the funds are holding a record long position in soybeans and a near[…]

Traveling to Kansas City to Meet with Farm Broadcasters

This week I am on the road in Kansas City, MO taking part in my innaugural convention with the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB).  Last night I had the opportunity to eat dinner with about 20 of them at a local BBQ joint on the north side of town.  If you are ever lookig for[…]

Adrenalin Rush In Grains Fizzled–11-9-10

Grain futures rallied sharply today, but the “adrenalin rush” cooled off after the opening.  There was no surprise in USDA’s corn and wheat ending stocks estimate, but traders were caught off guard by the reduction of soybeans to 185 MB.  However, profit taking developed around mid session creating reversal patterns in corn and wheat.  The[…]

Monday Grain Wrap Up–Grains Marking Time 11-8-10

Overview: Corn and soybeans were weak today while wheat was higher.  Traders were nimble in their interest with many sitting on the sidelines until after the report.  They remember all too well the volatility and knee jerk reaction created from the September Grain Stocks Report and the October Crop Report a few weeks ago.  Guesses[…]

On The Money Grain Comments 11-4-10

Corn Outlook:      Corn futures are being supported by the Fed’s proposed quantitative easing program that is weighing on the dollar.  In addition, traders are bullish expecting the USDA to lower their yield estimate in the crop report next week from the current forecast of 155.8 bpa.  In other developments, export inspections were disappointing at[…]