On The Money Grain Commentary 6-19-14

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: For over a month, the corn market has been battered because of fund liquidation and[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 6-5-14

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: The late start in corn planting this season is coming to a close as it[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 5-29-14

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Given a window of perfect weather before Memorial Day, corn planting ran at full throttle[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 5-22-14

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Corn planting is in the home stretch and 73 percent done as compared to 65[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 5-15-2014

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Give producers a window of opportunity, and the planters will roll.  Last week, Mother Nature[…]

Traveling to Kansas City to Meet with Farm Broadcasters

This week I am on the road in Kansas City, MO taking part in my innaugural convention with the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB).  Last night I had the opportunity to eat dinner with about 20 of them at a local BBQ joint on the north side of town.  If you are ever lookig for[…]

Wheat Falls Most in a Week on Signs of Shrinking Demand for US Exports

With a 1/3rd decline in export inspections, you can believe that investors were nervous about US Wheat Trade, add to that the dollar gaining strength abroad and the readers of Bloomberg wanted to know what was going on. Where does Bloomberg turn for reliable news on the grain trade? The same place that farmer’s do:[…]

China Changes the Rules, Creates Big Impact on US Markets

Overview: China unexpectedly raised their lending rate for the first time in three years by one-quarter point. This caused the dollar to soar, the Dow lose nearly 200 points, and gold to tank nearly $40 today. As a result, there was a sharp knee-jerk reaction lower the grains. Traders fear that China’s action may cool[…]

Could This Be the Next Shoe to Drop

There has been a lot of buzz recently regarding the second round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve scheduled to begin next month. It has rekindled optimism among investors that their action will simulate a rebound in the fledgling economy. As a result, equities and other investments have risen in value. However, the real[…]

Wheat Futures Rise as Dry Spell in Great Plains May Harm U.S. Winter Crop

By Whitney McFerron – Oct 12, 2010 11:22 AM ET Wheat futures rose for the third time in four sessions on speculation that dry weather will harm winter crops that U.S. farmers are planting in the Great Plains. Fields in Kansas and Nebraska will be dry through Oct. 16 after “a few light showers” today,[…]