On The Money Grain Commentary 2-2-23

If you would like to receive our technical comments including price projections and cycle analysis for important tops and bottoms, click on the link at the bottom of the commentary to sign up for a 30-day free trial subscription. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 12-29-22

If you would like to receive our technical comments including price projections and cycle analysis for important tops and bottoms, click on the link at the bottom of the commentary to sign up for a 30-day free trial subscription. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 10-22-23

If you would like to receive our technical comments including price projections and cycle analysis for important tops and bottoms, click on the link at the bottom of the commentary to sign up for a 30-day free trial subscription. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our[…]

On the Money Grain Commentary 9/16/10

The good news is corn may be approaching multi-year highs, the bad news it, you probably won’t have much of it to sell if the current harvest reports are to be believed. Dewey Strickler explains as he analysis the week’s activity from the CBOT and what it means for the nation’s farmers. Corn Outlook:  Exuberance in corn abounds from[…]