On The Money Grain Commentary 1-10-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Corn Outlook:      Diminishing exports have weighed on grain values, especially corn.  Last week, inspections were chump change at 7.1 MB with cumulative shipments running 55 percent below a year ago.  At the end[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 1-3-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Corn Outlook:      Traders have rung in 2013 and have a lot on their plate in the days and weeks ahead.  The final crop production report for 2012 is on January 12th, weather is[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 12-27-12

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Corn Outlook:      Fresh news in the grains is sparse because of the holidays.  While old crop stocks of corn are tight, the market faces a strong headwind because of poor exports and concerns[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 12-13-12

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Corn Outlook:      Corn futures have been facing a strong headwind because of dismal exports and strong competition from South America.  For the season, cumulative shipments are running 50 percent below a year ago. […]

On The Money Grain Commentary–11-23-11

Corn Outlook:      Corn futures have been on a slippery slope the past two weeks amid concerns of the worsening debt crisis in Europe, potential slowing of China’s economy, large traders abandoning their stake in commodities, and bankruptcy of MF Global.  Competition for export business from the Black Sea region has been fierce evident by[…]

Friday Grain Wrap Up 10-1-10

Overview: Grain futures are still gasping for air after having the wind knocked out from yesterday’s bearish stocks report in corn.  The chances are that some new crop corn found its way into the report because of early harvest.  However, the USDA says that this was not the case.  In the meantime, it will take[…]

Friday Grain Wrap-Up 9/10/10

Overview: There were no startling surprises in the crop production report today other than the soybean yield was higher than expected at 44.7 bpa. Meanwhile, traders expect the USDA to lower corn yields from 162.5 bpa in subsequent reports. Right now, the driving force in the grains is the funds, which are holding enormous long[…]