On The Money Grain Commentary 11-27-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Corn futures recently mustered a bounce from the uptick in exports, rally in soybeans and[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 11-21-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Getting a meaningful rally going in corn is like trying to climb a greased pole[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 11-14-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: The bulls were pleasantly surprised when the USDA left 2013-14 ending stocks of corn below[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 11-7-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Corn continues to grind lower, but its rate of descent  has slowed as traders are[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 10-31-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries.   Corn Outlook: Corn values have fallen to their lowest level in three years as harvest yields[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 10-24-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Trading in the grains is returning to normal as the government shutdown has ended and[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 10-3-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Traders were jolted on Monday from USDA’s projection of quarterly stocks at 824 MB, which[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 9-26-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Corn futures are meeting a headwind from phenomenal yield reports and the forecast for cooperative[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 9-19-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: While weather was touch and go in August for much of the corn crop in[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary 9-12-13

If you would like to receive our grain comments and cash recommendations on a trial basis, go to the link below. Follow Ag Watch Market Advisors on Facebook and Twitter for timely information not posted in our commentaries. Corn Outlook: Harvest has begun in the southern Corn Belt with phenomenal yields being reported.  This has[…]