On The Money Grain Commentary–10-13-11

Corn Outlook:      Corn futures have found traction after plummeting 26.5 percent since August.  Bloodletting by the funds has subsided with their long position falling to 575 MB from the peak in September at 1.355 BB.  Since 2010, large speculators have been the driving force in commodities.  However, because of increased volatility and economic uncertainty[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary–10-6-11

Corn Outlook: Is there light at the end of the tunnel for the grains?  Since late August, they have endured relentless selling by the funds because of the debt crisis in Europe.  The contagion is spreading as Italy’s debt rating was downgraded this week.  Traders have left commodities and paper assets in droves.  Last week,[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary–9-29-11

Corn Outlook:      Corn futures have undergone a brutal pounding during September.  The factors causing the sell-off are a weakening global economy and the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.  The chaos in the financial markets caused the trend following funds to unload 200 MB of their long corn position last week reducing it to 1.015[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary–9-22-11

Corn Outlook:       September has been brutal for the bulls, as corn prices have fallen 16.8 percent from their high.  Weakness stems from the increased probability that Greece will default on its debt and disappointment with the Federal Reserve’s latest effort to boost the economy with Operation Twist, a plan to reduce long-term interest rates. […]

On The Money Grain Commentary–9-15-11

Corn Outlook:       USDA confirmed a smaller corn crop when they lowered their yield estimate to 148.1 bpa from 153.0 bpa in August.  This is higher than Ag Watch’s forecast of 144.8 bpa.  Ending stocks for the 2011-12 crop are projected at 672 MB.  In other developments, the trend following funds have been on the[…]

On The Money Grain Commentary–9-8-11

Corn Outlook:      Grain futures began on a weak note after Labor Day, as anxiety about the sovereign debt crisis in Europe resurfaced.  Rumors circulated that 4-5 European banks could be in danger of failing.  Keep in mind that major banks in the U.S. have exposure to the debt crisis as well.  Meanwhile, uncertainty regarding[…]

Dewey Interviewed at NAFB Convention

In the middle of a busy convention of over 700 farm broadcasters and industry professionals at the recent NAFB convention, one of the most sought peices of information was what the grain markets were going to do as we roll into 2011. Tom Brand of KFEQ stopped us in the hallway to find out what[…]