Friday Grain Wrap-up 9/17/10

Overview:  The commodity funds were out in full force today, which was the reason behind the strength in grains. Commodities, in general, were higher across the board even though the dollar was stronger. Most of the gains came in the overnight session, which is the typical “M.O.” of the funds. Keep in mind that they[…]

On the Money Grain Commentary 9/16/10

The good news is corn may be approaching multi-year highs, the bad news it, you probably won’t have much of it to sell if the current harvest reports are to be believed. Dewey Strickler explains as he analysis the week’s activity from the CBOT and what it means for the nation’s farmers. Corn Outlook:  Exuberance in corn abounds from[…]

Friday Grain Wrap-Up 9/10/10

Overview: There were no startling surprises in the crop production report today other than the soybean yield was higher than expected at 44.7 bpa. Meanwhile, traders expect the USDA to lower corn yields from 162.5 bpa in subsequent reports. Right now, the driving force in the grains is the funds, which are holding enormous long[…]

Latest Supply and Demand report from USDA (9/10/10): Friendly for Corn, Slightly Negative for Wheat.

Corn: Endings stocks fell to 1.116 BB compared to 1.312 BB last month. Stocks-to-usage are in the lower third of the twenty-year range. World ending stocks are down in the lower third of the twenty-year range. The report is within expectations with nothing present to derail the rally in corn.    Soybeans:  Soybean yields for[…]

Welcome to Ag Watch!

Good Morning.  Welcome to the blog of Ag Watch Market Advisors.  It is our goal at Ag Watch Market Advisors to provide farmers with information they can use to increase their bottom line. It is not enough to just provide content; that is the purpose of news. It is not enough to just provide analysis;[…]